What would be a healthy drink shortly before going on a long cave trip?

How about probiotic soymilk:


I had the blueberry flavor for breakfast today.      It tasted a little like
cardboard, but more like rice, and went down like milk of magnesia.

I found it at HEB.

It claims to have "no artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings or

It also claims to be loaded with Vitamed D, B12, along with calcium
and riboflavin.
The probiotic label claims 7 bacterias are in this drink.

It also states on the label "better than Kefir."     I have tried
Kefir and I found it harder
to drink than the yogurt drinks.

You have to keep it refrigerated though.

This product finacially supports U.S. food producers in California and Iowa.

David Locklear

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