Just for the record... and I hope others will chime in as well.
I do NOT believe.
I think that abundant life is out there, and somewhere there are other
creatures pondering the possible existence of us, as well.  Yet the physical
obstacle of getting from one island of life to another is so substantial
that this species will never, ever get to see or experience any other
"sentient" beings.
Even if we do leave this planet for an interstellar journey before we
destroy ourselves, I am sure that visiting another solar system will be, for
those making the trip, a one way experience.
We have, as a species, developed a brain complex and rich enough in abstract
thought that we are able to convince ourselves that we have seen things
which we have not - and experienced that which does not and has not ever
existed.  This to me is the realm of of flying saucers, spacemen, rods and

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Louise Power <power_lou...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Just thought I'd turn our minds to other subjects:
> *Astronaut: Aliens Are Real
> *By Tom Shoop | Friday, July 25, 2008  |  10:16 AM
> Well, the conspiracy had to crack sometime.
> *Edgar Mitchell*, an astronaut on Apollo 14 and the sixth man to walk on
> the moon, *told Kerrang! 
> Radio*<http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/Article.asp?id=804160>this week that 
> we're not alone in the universe and the government knows all
> about it.
> "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've
> been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," he said.
> Mitchell is more than just a famous astronaut and a scientist. He grew up
> in Roswell, N.M., site of a famous alleged UFO landing. And, he said, "I've
> been in military circles and intelligence circles that know beneath the
> surface of what has been public knowledge that yes, we have been visited.
> ...I have been deeply involved in certain committes and certain research
> programs with very credible scientists and intelligence people that do know
> the real inside story."
> "There's been quite a bit of contact going on," Mitchell added. "The
> Roswell crash was real and [the fact that] a number of other contacts have
> been real and ongoing is pretty well known to those of us who have been
> briefed and have been close to the subject matter."
> So who exactly are the visitors? "Some of them are these little people that
> look strange to us," Mitchell said. "As far as I know from my contacts that
> have had contact, that was the reaction."
> NASA politely suggests Mitchell doesn't know what he's talking about. "NASA
> is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or
> anywhere in the universe," the agency told the radio station. "Dr. Mitchell
> is a great American, but we do not share his opinion on this issue."
> Oh really? If Mitchell's crazy, how do you explain the fact that he *got
> the agency's Ambassador of Exploration 
> award*<http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2006/jan/HQ_M06013_Mitchell_ambassador_award.html>just
>  a couple of years ago?

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