These were announced by our State Office. Just be aware.
July 30, 2008ALL EMPLOYEE BULLETIN -StatewideReports have been received from 
employees indicating that the individualsbehind the recent UPS e-mail virus 
scams have shifted their focus and arenow trying to lure people with fake 
e-mails from the major airlines. Thesee-mails state that a credit card was 
charged for an electronic ticket(e-ticket) which is contained in an e-mail 
attachment with a name similarto: The attachment contains a 
virus that doessubstantial damage to the computer, often rendering it unusable, 
or itinstalls malicious code to try to obtain banking information.If you 
receive an e-mail purporting to be from one of airline companies, donot open 
any attachments; delete the e-mail immediately. You should beespecially wary of 
all attachments that have the '.zip' file extension asthe scammers are 
embedding their malicious code within that file type tomake it past e-mail 
filters.If a major airline e-mail attachment is opened on your BLM 
workstation,please contact the BLM Help Desk at 1-800-BLM-HELP or e-mail 
at800blmhelp@blm.govPlease be suspicious of all e-mail attachments that you 
receiveunexpectedly, both at work and at home. You can help protect yourself 
athome by utilizing one of the Antivirus products (e.g. Norton, 
McAfee,TrendMicro) and keeping it up-to-date.
July 31, 2008 ALL EMPLOYEE BULLETIN-Statewide    The FBI issued a warning about 
a new round of spam bombarding the Internetto spread the malicious Storm worm. 
An article describing the FBIannouncement and the Storm worm attacks can be 
found at:
 According to the warning, the e-mails contain the phrase “F.B.I. vs.facebook” 
and ask recipients to click on a link to view an article aboutthe FBI and 
Facebook Inc. that then downloads malicious software.

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