Nico said:

>>it is in Tamaulipas. It is near the Tiger River in San Engreicia. I live in 
>I think that by San Engreicia he means Santa Engracia.  Has anybody heard of 
>such cave.. Minton perhaps?

      I've certainly never heard of a cave that kills batteries immediately 
upon entering!  Nor do I believe there is one.  If there is, it must be in some 
sort of serious electrical field and I would fear for my health.  ;-)  I think 
Nico is correct that they probably mean Santa Engracia, and the only really big 
cave around there that I know of is Sistema Purificación, which is way up in 
the mountains.  It is indeed over 50 miles long, but I don't know about the 
giant crystals and skeletons!  It seems unlikely that there would be a big cave 
down in the lowlands.  The topo map shows an arroyo or irrigation canal called 
El Tigre which connects to the Río Corona just west of Santa Engracia.  That's 
the only thing I see called Tigre, and it's certainly not a river.  My guess is 
that the cave is Sistema Purificación.  Cavers sometimes go up through Santa 
Engracia so I'm sure the locals know about it.

      If this is something new, even if it is nowhere near 50 miles long, I'd 
like to hear about it.  Nico, can you put me in touch with that guy, or suggest 
that he contact me or someone else in AMCS?  Thanks!

Mark Minton

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