This is the second part of a message from the 2009 ICS. I had to split it into two parts because it was rejected by Texas Cavers as too long. -- Mixon

Special message to NSS members:

When you look at the registration form, you’ll immediately notice that the prices are higher than a typical NSS Convention. That is not something we did lightly and you deserve an explanation:

1) Look at the circular. You will quickly be impressed by the many things that will be happening at the ICS. 2) This is more expensive than a typical NSS Convention because it is an NSS Convention PLUS an International Congress. Again, please look at the circular to see all that registration buys. 3) NSS Convention lasts 5 days. The ICS last 8 days, so comparing flat registration prices isn’t reasonable. The ICS is longer and thus has more expenses. It also has more activities. 4) Compare the ICS prices with the 2008 NSS Convention on a per day rate. The early-bird prices are $23.40/day for NSS and $31.25/day for the ICS. The highest at-the-door prices are $35.80/day for NSS and $37.50/day for the ICS. The differences are not that great, only $1.70-7.85/day. At worst, less than the price of 2 gallons of gasoline. Many of you spend that much each day driving to and from work. 5) For those on tight budgets, up to $50 can be shaved off the ICS registration price by declining the guidebook and proceedings, which brings the daily rates down to $25 and $31.25/day, depending on when you register. And if someone is feeling richer when they arrive at the ICS, they can still buy those books there for the same amount. 6) For perspective, when many cavers fill their tanks and go caving this weekend, they are paying about $80 for fuel alone. That buys about one–third of the registration price to the most significant caving event to hit North America, and possibly the world. For a once or twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity (having an ICS in the US), this is a bargain. 7) Registration for kids is higher than normal due to the longer period of the ICS and other factors. It includes JSS. On the flip side, families that camp will be charged only for the adults and kids are free. 8) The NSS Awards Banquet is a separate fee. We can’t require people from other countries to pay for our banquet as part of the overall ICS fee, although non-US cavers will certainly be welcome to join us. The price is $38, which is break-even when you tally the price of the meal, drinks, facility, transportation, etc. Our research shows that meal prices for comparable catered banquets range from $35-40/person at the low end in central Texas, without the costs of facilities, etc. that we are including. Don’t worry about the quality. It is excellent. 9) The field trip prices are higher than we’d like. There is nothing to be done about it. The main factor is rising fuel costs. 10) The NSS Convention and ICS are professional-quality conferences in many ways. Not all cavers attend professional conferences and don’t appreciate the value they get at NSS and will get at the ICS, which are 2-3 times cheaper, up to twice as long, and with a rich variety of morning-to-night activities often lacking from “professional” conventions.

While we have written a tight budget to keep the ICS prices as low as possible, we have written it so we don’t lose money. If attendance is good and we bring in extra money, we have plans to put as much as possible back into the ICS for attendees to enjoy.

The devaluation of the dollar is a prime reason why prices for many products in the US are becoming more expensive, which has taken its toll on ICS registration rates. If we didn’t have the financial support of so many excellent sponsors and the volunteer efforts of the 86 members of the ICS Organizing Committee and their staff, the price of registration would have been much higher.

I appreciate your interest in the ICS, and promise you will find it a unique, exciting, and eye-opening event, and a great bargain for all that will be offered.


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