And oddly, every thread that appears - seems to have been generated more
than a year ago...

I take it that someone else out there, who caves, or reads off topic caving
posts may also be a closet musician - and possibly also might have some
experience controlling music devices with computers....

Most of what I once claimed expertise in seems a little fuzzy now.  Back
then when I first plugged a pricey gadget called MPU-401 into the ISA slot
of my IBM XT - things seemed a whole lot simpler.  Of course interuppts and
IO addresses were totally dedicated. No flippity-floppity plug and play back
then. You always knew where things stood back then.  "Windows" was in its

Recently I bought a USB Midi interface to hook my old Kawai keyboard up to
my newest gigapowered laptop.  Although one of the most recent versions of
Cakewalk Home Studio runs flawlessly on my laptop - when I attempt to play
the virtual wavetable synthesizers that "reside" within my laptop - I have

Playback from the computer TO my old keyboard works fine.   Multiple notes
work - pitch bend and mod wheel information seem to have no problem at all
being understood by the old Kawai.

However, when using the keyboard as a controller - things hardly work at
all.  But it does - sortof.  I can "PLAY" the computer with the old keyboard
But... Only.... One... Note... At... A... Time... AND you cannot make
chords, notes cannot be played very fast  AND usually when you release a key
- some other key seems to still be "ON".

Midi protocol specifies that key ON is one event and key OFF is another.
Multiple key ONs make a chord.  (The delay between bytes transmitted is so
incredably fast, that the ear hears chords, not glisses.)

According to the Chinese distributor of the MIDI USB device - "No driver
needed".   I must have missed someting.   Anyone else know anything about
this stuff??????


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