This is an idea for improving the internet.

In my opinion, the internet is like walking into a gigantic library for the 1st

What the internet needs are librarians   -   People who either work or volunteer
to sort thru your search hits and then provide you with a summary or options
as to how your research should proceed.

For example,

Let's say you thought you had an illness such as a pain in the left abdomen.
You could do a google search and get  a 1/2 million web pages that you would
have to sort thru to find whatever you were looking for.

What if you could go to a web-site called "Google Librarian," and get a real
live human that is a professional expert on the internet.      They
would do the searching
for you for free or at a reasonable cost and provide you with a short list
of possible answers to your question.     These Librarians could be young
kids as long as they were qualified.

I think there are similar services out there already, but I am talking about
something that is a major component of the internet.

David Locklear

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