I think Obama could select a female VP and have another advantage
over Hillary.

I think John McCain will probably croak before the end of his 4 year
presidency, so he needs a VP that can has the proven potential
to be president.

I don't think Hillary will chose a female for VP.       She could get
Tiger Woods and get a lot of black votes.      Or she could possibly
get some more votes with someone like Jesse Jackson, but for the black vote
she would gain there, she would likely lose just as many white

John McCain needs money bad.      He may have to settle for
some rich republican with connections.     Dan Quayle?

Obama can afford any candidate he wants and I doubt anybody
would turn him down.       Where as some might not want to be a
VP under Hillary or McCain.

In my opinion, the Republicans don't stand a chance of winning, because
of the the "progress" the current republican president has
brought us.        So it probably irrelevant who McCain chooses.

What if Obama chooses a black VP?       People might be inclined to think
he would fill his entire cabinet with black people.

I think all of the candidates would gain young voters by choosing a young
VP.      But they might lose some older voters.

On a related note,

Personally, I think the VP system is incredibly stupid.

No efficient corporation in the world works with such a fubared
system.      I believe it would be better
to have 4 or more VP's who are assigned specific task and that they be
judged on the
completion of those task.     For example, the VP of Foreign Affairs, The VP
of Military, the VP of Economy, the VP of Administration.      They would be
elected or selected by congress independently, but take orders from
the President.
They would serve life terms, but could be fired for ineptness.      If
the president
would croak, one of them would act in his place until a suitable alternative
was found.

David Locklear

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