How many of you eat or drink things that claim to have
pro-biotic ingredients?

Are nutritionist certain that adding more bacteria to your
intestine is healthy?

For several months, I have tried various, yogurts, kefirs,
cheeses, butters, that claim to be pro-biotic.

I have also tried a pill called "Charcocaps," which contains:

      Vegetable Charcoal, Clubmoss, Cinchona Bark, Sublimed Sulfur.

I  haven't tried the vitamin supplements that claim
to have the bacteria in them.

I haven't noticed any benefit, and these products
are expensive.      So it is negatively affecting my

I am making a faithful effort to avoid High Fructose
Corn Syrup, but this is added to nearly every processed

Have any of you had to give up certain foods that you enjoy?
I really love beans, especially the spicy kind.      But you
don't want to be anywhere around me afterwards, especially
in a small cave passage.

David Locklear

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