my response is below in bold and underlined text.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 1:47 PM, David <> wrote:

> Imagine if we lived in a time where only 10 percent of
> the people were strictly heterosexual.       Heterosexuals
> would lose power and eventually lose their rights.   It
> would be likely that the heterosexuals would be scorned by the
> majority.
> I think we need to laws to protect the minority from the majority.
> History has shown that the majority is almost always wrong and even evil.
> I am strictly heterosexual, however, I can't see how I can expect
> a homosexual person to accept heterosexuality when I have no
> proof to back it up.
> How can a bioligist state that homosexuality is wrong, when it is
> prevalent in nature?*<-------------very easy amigo, the anus is designed
> to excrete*

*stuff not to be "probed" by a male.

> If Nico is right, what are the thousands of intersexuals supposed to
> do?      Live without getting married?        I have heard that in
> Thailand, attractive girls with penis' are highly regarded.     If you
> are a religious person, then did your god create this person, and if
> not, then who the hell did?*<------genetics did, a broken chromosome more
> than likely, that or the mother didnt care to take some folic acid
> supplement while pregnant
> *
> I know I have friends out there, even in the caving community, that
> are gay or bi-sexual.       However, I haven't been in a situation
> where I had to decide whether that was going to change our
> friendship.      I don't think it would.
> I know that a majority of heterosexual men fantasize about having
> multiple women, and even women who are bi-sexual.       I do.   So how
> can those men be hypocritical and state in public that they are
> against homosexuality.
> Now after saying that I am not anti-gay, I am against the acts commited by
> gay
> men, such as anal sex, oral sex, swallowing, orgies, catholic
> priest, pedophilia, french kissing, bondage, fetishes, prostitution, etc.
> This all disgust me, especially pedophilia when done by religious
> leaders, policeman,
> congressman, presidents, or public figures in positions of power or trust.
> But I don't feel strongly enough to outlaw it and enforce the law, unless a
> minor is being abused.
> David Locklear
> Ref:
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