Do you remember a time when Americans used to travel to places because
they could have a whole lot of fun for the money at those places.      They
could go to some poor country and stay in the finest hotels and have servants
and live like royalty for a few days.

Now America is becoming the 3rd world country where people come here
to search for bargains.      Average Americans can no longer afford fine
dinners and traveling by plane.

I was in a discount sporting good store this week and a cotton hat
made in Australia
was $ 75.      Who would pay that much fricken money for a cotton hat?

People from other countries exchanging their money, might find that price
acceptable, especially if they are on vacation and forgot their hat and need
a new one before going to the beach.

In my adult lifetime, I have never seen the cost of living so high compared
with my income.        At the present, I am making 5 a hour less than I was
8 years ago, plus I was getting overtime then.       If I adjust that for the
recent rise in gas and food cost, I am making even far less than I was then.

In addition, I have lots more bills now since getting married, buying a house,
a new car and having a baby.        Money is tight to say the least.

I bought a hot dog maker last week and a case of hot dogs.       I told my
wife we are living off of hot dogs for a while.      I may go buy a
small freezer
and stock up on them.       If it gets worse, we will be eating canned generic
beanie-weanies as our main food source.

My other economic concern, is that Americans are turning a blind eye to
the slavery going on in China and elsewhere.      It is so hypocritical of us
to criticize our ancestors for profiteering from slavery, when we are buying
dirt cheap LCD tv's, computers, and other electronics from China
and elsewhere.        Remember the next time you buy a $ 10 shirt at some
discount store, that some teenager or old person, sweated all day in a dirty
factory to make that shirt, and they only were paid a few pennies for their
dedicated service.

David Locklear
grumpy old man, but younger than Fritz

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