Only once in my entire life have I ever answered a personal ad. About ten  
years ago I was drinking my coffee in a cafe when I idly picked up the student  
newspaper. No interest in sports so that left the classified. There was an ad  
that said, "Cute guy I met at San Felasco, wanna get together sometime, do 
some  spelunking?" 
San Felasco is a local nature preserve with hiking and biking trails, so I  
envisioned a cute young woman who was interested in nature and trying to make  
new friends. I replied with my bio for a failed run for the NSS board which  
included the phrase, "I celebrate the urge to penetrate the nethermost  crack!"
About a week later I started to get calls with heavy breathing but nothing  
else. This went on for about two weeks and became weird and irritating. The day 
 eventually came when a falsetto male voice said, "Hi Big Brucie!" That's  
when I learned that "spelunking" refers to "going where the sun don't  shine!"
So now I use the word spunkalunking instead!

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