It seems that Washington has its Biblical fundamental ties to Isreal.
Washington also has its financial/oil ass-kissing ties to the Saudis.
Saudi Arabia is a SUNNI muslim country - which are apparently moderate.
Many other of the SHIITE muslim countries are sworn enemies of the US.
That's it in a nutshell.
(Help! get me out of this nutshell!)

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 8:53 AM, David <> wrote:

> Iran is in the news again.
> They seem to be reacting to recent military events that Israel
> was participating in.
> I know almost nothing about the Iran / Israel relations or why
> things are unpleasant between the 2 countries.
> I have never understood why the U.S. has such a great interest
> in Israel compared with say Bolivia or Iceland?      Maybe it is
> because nobody wants to annihilate Bolivia or Iceland, especially
> somebody like a nation such as Iran.
> Is our federal government supposed to police the middle east for
> the next 50 years or 100 years?       How much money are we
> and our kids and grandkids supposed to donate for that risky
> investment.        Given the choice, would you rather not donate
> to a cause that has a higher probability of success like the cure
> for athletes foot.
> Personally, I don't want to see a single penny of mine spent
> on the middle east.      Sure I would like to protect the caves over
> there or see some tourist sites, but not for the high cost the U.S.
> has spent for the last 50 years over there and the future 50 years.
> I think the future of the middle east is clear.      A very very expensive
> and sad and violent series of events for 100's if not 1000's of years.
> I think both Obama and McCain's strategies suck to the point of
> almost being idiotic.
> One solution might be to just call the whole middle east
> the" United Republics of Israel," and get rid of anybody that stands
> in the way.
> The other solution is for the U.S. to annex the whole region and treat it
> like Puerto Rico, and get rid of all the theological legal bodies.
> We could also try to kiss up to Iran and try very hard to be their best
> friend.        I don't see that happening, and I don't believe that will
> work.
> They will just infiltrate the U.S. and try to gain power.       They might
> even try to purchase the Chyrsler Tower.      Imagine that happening???
> So given the choices, I think we need to go with the least expensive
> route.        But will the world and the Arabs overseas forgive us for
> that.
> Obama won't do it that way, and I doubt McCain will either.     I am sure
> Bush wishes he could.
> David
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