According to various web news agencies, such as the New York Times,

there is a news event concerning the karst region of Abkhazia.

The Bush administration accused Russia of acting provocatively against
Georgia by moving troops to the breakaway region of Abkhazia and
shooting down a remotely piloted aerial vehicle, increasing the risk
of armed confrontation. A White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, urged
Russia to restate its support for Georgia's sovereignty, and Georgia
to show restraint.

The number one cave on my list of caves to visit before I croak is in Abkhazia.

We need a cave like that near Houston.

David Locklear


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I wish there were a news web-site where I could filter out news like
Britney Spears, American Idol, topics of no interest, and also have
the capability to archive articles I have already read, so that they
don't keep popping up over and over.       For example, I would like
my internet news to bring me instant updates on the latest news
of things that are important to me, such as LED headlamps,
hybrid cars, cave related news, certain musical performers,
major world breaking news.

To me it is not news that "Hillary may or may not stay in race."

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