Interesting little story about the big sinkhole down there close to Houston.
But did anyone else notice how clueless the anchorperson/reporter sounded?
I mean - there's nothing new about about on-screen news persons being cited
as unbelievably stupid, but I have to wonder if there are others out there
who feel this trend continues to get deeper and deeper...
For the past few years my ears have been picking up on a tendency for the
newscaster's inflection being WAY OFF for the material they are reading, as
though the teleprompter is feeding them word by word rather than in
sentences or paragraphs which their brains could possibly  pre-decipher
before regurgitating the information verbally.
In college, when I worked at the ABC affiliate in Shreveport - I was a
little surprised to discover that the newscasters (of that time) actually
wrote their own copy.
The teleprompter of the day displayed at least three lines of text at a
time.  The teleprompter was a black and white television screen in reverse
image which reflected up to a piece of glass angled at about 45 degrees -
which was positioned directly in front of the camera lens.  The result was
that they were looking at the camera lens while reading their copy.  You
could see their eyes moving back and front of the camera (but they were
reading back words that they themselves had written up).
But yeah - getting to know a little about these people did confirm they were
indeed shallow and not exactly candidates for Mensa.
Back in the old days, reporters were reading from actual sheets of paper.  I
remember I was impressed by the newscasters who could scan ahead several
lines at a time and then look back up at the camera as they "read back" what
they had just scanned.  This was typically done with perfect inflection.
By the way - I'm getting WAY off topic here.

Where I was going with this - is the pathetic "conservatist nature" of the
Fox News Organ.
Along with the story on the web page about the 'Sinkhole De Mayo' - I saw a
link about some gaffe by author/writer Steven King.
Apparently Mr. King said something to a group of students about the
importance of READING.   He said something like "reading is important - if
you *know* how to read, you're bound to get better jobs - if you
*don't*know how to read you'll end up in the ARMY going to Iraq or
some place like
I WAS DUMBFOUNDED  by the commentators  response on this.
An insipid pretty lady with a big red ribbon around her neck (which
apparently covered cleavage exposed by her low cut dress) - the voice
deflection of an oxycotin user - she, a  third person commentator - rattled
on about Stephen King being "brain dead".  So within a short period of time
- there's at least three Fox News personalities making personal attacks on
Mr. Stephen King - one asking the other if he had suffered brain damage by
being hit by that pickup truck several years ago - and criticizing his body
of work - a diatribe that goes on for about 5 minutes - which had very
little to do with what Mr. King had actually SAID!  All these morons were
doing - it appeared - was attempting to discredit Steven King, because he
inferred that the ARMY is for stupid people?  Boy, that Pat Tillman dude
sure made an intelligent choice...  (Too bad his patriotic motivation was so
terribly misguided.)

So I watched a few other little Fox News video clip features.  One that
caught my eye was Hillary Clinton vs Obama - so I watched it too.  WOULD YOU
BELIEVE these axehandles brought up *Monica Lewinski*?!?!?!  They actually
got into the Clinton's legacy of being a smudge on the character of the
WhiteHouse... *whew! *  Could these people actually BELIEVE the crap they're
saying?  Or is someone in "the regime" paying them big bucks to say things
that make them look very, very stupid?


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