I don't remember when it went to $1.00, but I do remember when I got gas price 
shock. It was the year of the White Salmon, WA, convention. I was still living 
in Houston where, at the time, Tenneco gas was $0.29/gal. I could fill my Chevy 
Suburban for less than $5.00 if I didn't wait until it was totally empty. 
A friend of mine who wanted to go to Portland split gas and food costs for the 
trip and we camped in the back of the Chevy along the way. By the time we got 
to Salt Lake City and on into Oregon and Washington, gas was (if I remember 
correctly) more than $0.40/gal. I remember thinking that if ever got that 
expensive in Texas, I'd quit driving!!!
Now I wish I could find it that cheap. I think Costco was around $3.67 
yesterday around 11 a.m.> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 07:38:20 -0500> From: 
dlocklea...@gmail.com> To: o...@texascavers.com> Subject: [ot_caving] apology> 
> 5 days ago I posted something about rising gas prices> predicting that gas 
would be $ 3.60 a gallon this week> across Texas.> > I am sorry my prediction 
was so off. I considered that> prices would eventually hit $ 3.70 a gallon in 2 
or 3 weeks,> but I didn't think it would happen overnite.> > What's up with 
that?> > Diesel hit $ 4.46 in my neighborhood this morning.> > I always wanted 
a diesel, but I am glad I don't have one> now. What is that expression - Be 
careful what> you pray for?> > > Does anybody remember how worried some people 
were> when gas broke the dollar barrier? I remember hearing> people say about 7 
years ago, that gas would eventually> hit $ 1.50 a gallon and there were 
skeptics saying - no,> that it would level off. What is the price going to be> 
in another 7 years? Do you think it will be over $ 5> a gallon. Over $ 10 ?? I 
am willing to bet that we> will never see gas prices fall below $ 3.50 again.> 
> My car gets 32 mpg, and I worry about my gas budget.> I don't know how people 
that commute to work in an> SUV are going to deal with this summer's gas 
prices.> > > David> > 
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