I have not seen this idea anywhere on the web, yet so I wanted
to be the first to propose it.

I believe the Olympics should either be post-poned for at least 2
years due to the earthquake in China, and also because of the cyclone
in Myanmar.

I believe China should be devoting 100 percent of its resources
to helping the earthquake victims.

Therefore, China is not in a position to help Myanmar.     And
China was supposedly the biggest aid to Myanmar rescue at

The athletes in turn could be invited by the Chinese government
to actively participate in humaniarian camps as special envoys.

I believe countries like Mexico and Guatamala, Honduras should
open up temporary shelters to Chinese earthquake victims and
that China should allow specific earthquake victims to migrate
to those "temporary shelters," and allow them to stay for up to
2 years.

I believe the U.S. response should be to send a large team of
rescuers and a large MASH unit only.      China doesn't need
any flashlights for example.     They have plenty of rice.    They
have plenty of tools.      The rich in China should be the ones
to provide the financial assistance.      Not the middle-class
American taxpayer who is already over-burdened.

David Locklear

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