At 1000 the situation is:
There are still two groups rigging the cave that is almost done. They are going 
to rest now until 1300, when Arthur stretcher will start to move. / He is 
helping by himself in some complicated areas (meanders). /Outside, there´s 
always another rescue team from ERM in stand by (fresh guys, just in case). 
Hypothermia is now beggining to be a concern for the time that Arthur has been 
there, so thank´s god there´s a pretty female Dr with him ,-) / More people 
from Chiapas is moving to the area to derigg the cave. / Goverment is makin a 
good work kicking out some ass from the area, with the help of the Army. / 
Estimated time? ... The guys overthere thinks that tomorrow (saturday) Arthur 
should be in an hospital. We all hope so, if there´s no more complications.
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