Thanks all - within 4 hours of posting the volunteer call, I heard from 6 people. 5 of them are already either chairing committees or running trips, helping with guidebooks etc. 1 was a woman from New Mexico who gave me her contact info for future reference when we know just what volunteer tasks we need help with. Good on ya!

Now for the rest of you . . .  I'm holding a 'why I dont volunteer' contest.

Here are the reasons I can think of and I will happily publish any additional ones you can offer me.

1   They dont really need help.
2    Only really talented super cavers volunteer.
3    Only suckers volunteer.
4    I dont know where I'll be July of 09.
5    I've already done my share of volunteer work.
6    I'm too busy*
7    They are trying to take advantage of me.
8 uh I need to surf the web and find out some fascinating trivia from China or Australia.
9    I never volunteer, why start now?
10  theres something vaguely weird about the whole thing.
11  I'll, uh, get around to it later.  heh heh  ( I dont tip either)
12 what is the deal? I wasnt raised to believe in giving anything away, but hey, I'm vaguely curious, what do you gals and guys get out of this anyway?

So send your contact info to me off list or your really good reason for not volunteering! and as we know just what tasks we need help with, I'll keep you posted.


*   this is a trick answer as obviously if you are reading this, its not true

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