The Association for Mexican Cave Studies has made two new CDs of material previously sold as photocopy reprints. The demand for the printed versions has decreased to the point where the effort of making them was not worthwhile, and the CD versions can be sold much more cheaply. The CDs contain page scans in PDF files, including separate PDF files for color plates or large maps. The pages are in the files as graphic images, so the text is not searchable. Each of the following CDs is only $3 (plus shipping).

AMCS Activities Newsletters 1-10 (1975-1979). Total over 400 pages. Paper copies were sold for a total of $54.

AMCS Reprints 4 and 5, "Las Cavernas de Cerro Grande" and "Las Cavernas de la Sierra Gorda" by Carlos Lazcano. Total about 550 pages. Paper copies were sold for a total of $55.

Further info about these book, including tables of contents, can be found at Order from AMCS, PO box 7672, Austin, Texas 78713, or by e-mail using the PayPal button at the bottom of the "how to order" page at that web site. Shipping charge: US $3 first CD, $1 each additional. Foreign $4 each CD.


The following is a reminder about that symposium being held next month in New Orleans. If anyone is planning to attend and willing to deal with selling AMCS publications along the lines suggested below, please contact both (Bill Mixon) and (Gabrielle Vail). Note that time is short for getting a supply of book to New Orleans, so I need to know soon whether there will be actual sales or just a display. Garbielle's message follows:

I'm writing to inquire whether anyone from your association is planning to attend the Tulane Maya Symposium next month (February 15-17) in New Orleans. Our theme is "Sacred Cenotes, Hidden Caverns: Rituals and Everyday Life Relating to Caves and Cenotes among the Maya." For more information about the program, please see our website:

We are interested in offering several of your publications for sale at the symposium and wanted to check with you about how best to do this. If one of your members is attending, perhaps they would be interested in manning a table during the breaks. If not, then we could order several copies of each publication for display and have an order form available.

Thanks for being in touch about this. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you in New Orleans next month.

Warm wishes,
Gabrielle Vail, Executive Organizer
Fifth Annual Tulane Maya Symposium and Workshop

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