This is a book review about one of the many books written
on Mt. Everest.

This past week, I read Beck Weather's account of the 1996
Everest tragedy.

Beck was the guy from Texas in the movie "Into Thin Air," that was said
to have died on the mountain, but miracously walked half-frozen
back into camp.

His book is called "Left For Dead."

I found a copy of this at Half-Price Books.

It is not an enjoyable book to read, however, I think his story is
worth knowing about for anyone who ventures into remote areas
risking their lives for recreational purposes.

The book is actually 2 stories.     One is his version, and the other
is his wifes version.     The 2 stories are intertwinned in the book.

Personally, I felt I had a lot in common with Beck, and I imagine
many cavers would feel the same.         He was much happier
with his climbing buddies roughing it somewhere than in the
comfort of his home with his wife.

His wife's version is that for nearly 15 years she sat around lonely
waiting for her husband to come home from long expeditions, where
he had never called her to let her know he was safe.       Then he died
and she had to plan his funeral.      Then he temporarily came back
to life and she had a personal conversation with George Bush the 2nd,
on how to get him off the mountain.       That failed, but she kept on
fighting to get him off the mountain.     Apparently, Senator Daschle,
had the connections to get the helicopter to fly up to Mt. Everest for
the world's highest attempted rescue.      Then the helicopter came
down the mountain with some other dude and not her husband.

Beck couldn't immediately write a book as Jon Krakaer did, because
Beck had no hands or a nose, and was on morphine and other drugs
for a year, and wasn't sure if he was going to survive the aftermath.

So Beck didn't write his version about the mountain, but more about
how the experience changed him.       Beck had to grow an upside-down
nose on his forehead made out of ear cartilage.      His friends thought
that was funny.

If you plan to risk your life on something that you think is important
like caving or parachuting or whatever, I think you should read this

David Locklear

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