Thanks, Jacqui, 

We noticed and discussed several things we could be more proactive about as far 
as preparation for fire.  Your suggestions are very helpful.  

We certainly also will not do burns without lots of prep and the proper 
notifications and permissions.  

This fire started because a neighbor was having welding done on his fence, and 
it started a fire and got out of control before he knew it had happened.  He 
did not have a spotter with him, from what I was told. 

We look forward to hearing from you about today, and thanks again for your 
comments and help.


"J. LaRue Thomas" <> wrote:       There does need to be a 
better way to get help than  email--I was out working in the field and I could 
have been down there with my  firefighting gear. I've worked with both Val 
Verde and Edwards County  departments on grassfires as we have mutual aid 
agreements with all neighboring  counties.
 I guess they thought it was under control as they  did not call in Sonora. The 
'dozer probably is one of the TX Forest Service ones  and those folks are more 
than happy to help people to become more fire  resistant. Good you all thought 
to ask.
 May I suggest TCMA somebodies talk to  local fire people about what fire 
prevention measures they would like to  see us effect at our place. Since 
people rarely ask and even more rarely do  what's suggested, we'd make local 
fire people really happy.
 This is one of the worst fire seasons in years (our  department was on fire 
lines for over 50 hours in five days last week) and no  rain in sight, so let's 
get something going soon. 
 There is a burn association for Edwards--same one  as ours, I think. It sets 
up prescribed burns. I can contact them for TCMA  if no one else has. Please do 
not burn anything preemptively without going  through them. 
 Anyone know how this one started?  Jacqui 
 ----- Original Message ----- 
    From:    Jim Kennedy    
   Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 5:32    PM
   Subject: [Texascavers] Carta Valley    brushfire

   Allan Cobb just called me from the    TCMA fieldhouse and all is now under 
control.  He took lots of photos of    the helicopter dumping water, the fire, 
and so on.  He'll show them at    the next UT Grotto meeting.  It got to within 
100 yards of the    cabin.  The 'dozer brought in by the local fire departments 
made a big    difference.  While it was there, Allan and Linda talked them into 
   clearing more brush from around the cabin and widening the road from the 
cabin    to the caves.  They knocked back a lot of brush and now we have a 
better    firebreak.  The road acted like a pretty good firebreak as it was, 
but if    the fire was more serious it could have easily jumped the road.  We 
also    have a better parking area in front of the cabin, courtesy of the    
   As Allan said, we dodged the bullet on that    one.  Perhaps we should give 
some serious thought to brush control,    additional water supplies, and other 
ways to help fireproof the cabin.     Maybe even some pre-emptive prescribed 
burns to reduce the fuel    load.
   -- Crash

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