No one has mentioned it, but I'm assuming the operator of the dozer
was uninjured when it turned over?  From the pics I can see that it
had a cage on it, but that doesn't guarantee saftey.  A d6 isn't a
particularly large dozer, but even the smallest would kill if it
rolled onto you.


On 2/10/08, Linda Palit <> wrote:
> THANKS  to Texas Cavers yesterday.  Thanks to those of you who came out to
> help, those who came part way and were sent back, those who called and
> offered, and those of you who were concerned even if you could not come.
> You cavers are great people to know.
> It was not the worst fire I had seen.  There would have been no reason to
> try to save the cabin if that was the case.  But it was progressing, and
> about noon yesterday when the only dozer turned over and we had lots of
> brush near the cabin that needed cutting it we called  out to the caving
> community for reinforcements and were very relieved to get responses, first
> from Peter Sprouse and then others as word passed around.
> Promises of more equipment and people had been floating around since 10 in
> the morning or earlier, but none had materialized until after mid afternoon.
>  There were other fires, and distances are long.  Fire had moved from one
> side of the cabin/property to two sides, and there were plans for a back
> fire by the firemen, with out help, to keep the fire from spreading further,
> and that would also keep it away from the cabin.
> Plans kept changing, especially after the helicopter with water arrived.
> Soon after three bulldozers came; one moved our worst brush across the road
> ,.Things began to get under control about dark.  The back fire was postponed
> until Sunday, and the crews all left after eating some of the provisions Don
> Arburn had bought out to us -- much needed and appreciated food and water.
> Jacqui LaRue Thomas  and Cal  are out there today, helping watch for hot
> spots, and ready to let us know if there are problems. We should get an
> update this evening from them.
> Again, Thanks to all cavers who helped actively or passively yesterday --
> and thanks to the caving community for being one that will step up and help
> each other when there are problems.  I am proud to be a part of the Texas
> Caver Community, and to have you as friends.
> Thanks also to the Val Verde Volunteer Fire Department and Edwards VFD, and
> to the Forestry Department and TexDot.  All eventually had crews working at
> the fire, and perhaps there are other entities I missed.  We'll send them
> all letters and thank-yous.
> Linda

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