Is anyone in Austin available to help this group out?
  John Brooks

Note: forwarded message attached.
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We are having a special event to educate Austin schoolchildren in K-3rd
grades about caves in central Texas.  It will take place at the
Sheffield Education Center/Splash! exhibit, located at Barton Springs
Pool in Austin, on March 27.  We are looking for volunteers to help out
with activities, and I was hoping to get some cavers from the Texas
Speleological Society to share their enthusiasm and expertise with these
kids.  If you think your members would be interested in volunteering,
please forward this email or let me know how to best go about notifying
them.  Here is a short description of the event:



Deep Down Underground is an event to educate children about the geology,
ecology, and exploration of the unique limestone cave environments of
central Texas. Kids learn how to map caves, tie knots that cavers use,
and navigate through a cave obstacle course. They will learn about the
animals that live in caves, and a live bat will be available for
viewing. Lots of hands-on, interactive activities will be available.
This is a free event being held on a school day for visiting classrooms
of 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. 

We will need volunteers to staff activity booths and to escort school
groups through the activities. Volunteers are welcome to work 9am-1pm,
12pm-4pm, or 9am-4pm.  If you have questions or if you would like to
sign up, please contact Susannah Reilly at 478-3170 or .  



Thank you, 


Susannah Reilly

Culture & Arts Instructor

Splash! Into the Edwards Aquifer

Austin Nature & Science Center

(512) 478-3170 phone

(512) 477-4901 fax



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