TCMA would like to announce that the next Robber Baron work day will be Saturday, March 22 starting at 9:00am.

The amount of work accomplished so far has been amazing and could only have been done with all the great volunteers we have had! In 2007, we finished several major projects including the steps into the sinkhole, a retaining wall in the sinkhole, re-grading the property to improve drainage and put down fresh dirt, completion of a fence around the sinkhole, building a trail across the property, and construction of a parking lot (the last three of which were Eagle Scout projects).

Now we are in the home stretch and hope to tackle some of these remaining projects in the next several work days:

1. Completion of a fence next to the neighbors property and installation of a new gate along the alley
2. Planting new native vegetation
3. Construction of a composting area
4. Various misc. tasks such as placing stones around the entrance gate and adding gravel to the lower steps.
5. Installation of signs and a kiosk

Projects #1 and #2 are tentatively planned for this work day with #1 being organized as an Eagle Scout project. More information will follow when we get things setup.

Lunch will be provided and the cave will be open for visitation afterwards for those helping out.

Some items that people can bring:
- Digging tools including shovels, hoes and rakes.
- Small digging tools such as trowels for planting
- Containers of water
- Wheelbarrows
- Gloves

If you need a place to stay, let us know and we can hook you up.

Again, thanks to everyone who has helped out so far and we hope to see you there!

Joe Mitchell
Home: 210-679-8408
Cell: 210-825-1298

Linda Palit
Home: 210-699-1388

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