Huh.. Interesting.

I work with teams from Shanghai, and a few years ago they would buy GPS units here in the states to take back (I had to guarantee that the coverage was indeed world wide, and promise that there were no subscription fees).

I carry my GPS with me everywhere with me when traveling. Spending a week in the Chinese country side, having a GPS is the only way I could assure finding my hotel! Asking for directions is entertaining, but pretty pointless, especially if I forgot to bring a business card with the name of the hotel.

On my last trip to, I visited an electronics store in Shanghai ( 31°13'51.13"N, 121°30'58.15"E), and they had a wide array of GPS units for sale. It's a cool store, the prices get cheaper the as you go to the upper levels.

Anyway, I will have three GPS units, my bluetooth unit that talks to my palm pilot, my Nuvi 750, and a Chinese unit that has Chines maps (which I can't read built into it) with me on my next trip in July, and do not expect any trouble. I suppose the smart thing to do is to back up any way points over the Internet.

I also have the Micro SD media ( Smaller than a penny. 2 Gig of data in a very tiny footprint. It would be sooo easy to hide such a chip.

Google now offers a service that will locate your position based on cell tower signals
On select phones.  I don't know if it will work in China.

I have failed to buy any street level maps of China with English, but it's only a matter of time.

I overlay my GPS Using Google Earth. I use the paid version, and can download the images to my laptop. It's great for the big cities, but resolution is lousy out in the country.

Anyway, I suspect that any electronics is subject to confiscation if the government suspect you are up to no good. No good could be taking pictures of Mao's tomb, or making a geological survey. Paranoia runs rampant. By the same token, foreign nationals here in the US have been detained and equipment confiscated for taking pictures of the Mackinaw bridge, the Soo Locks, and other points that used to be interesting, and now must be protected at all costs.

It's so fun to rant..


Rob.. Now in upstate NY

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