At 11:55 AM 3/14/2008, Minton, Mark wrote:
What a crock! There are lots of places in North America with soda straws over 6 feet long.
More BS. There are lots of caves that go much deeper than Natural Bridge and cut through more layers of rock with older ages.

Awwwh, come on, Minton. This is commercial cave hype and we all know it is commercial cave hype. It is meant for consumption by the general population of gullible America, not the scientific community--even if it comes from (or should I say: especially if it comes from) an NBC staff geologist who is also a respected caver and colleague.

Next you'll be trying to convince us that it's not Texas' longest cave and that it doesn't connect with Carlsbad. What pluff....

The effort they make at NBC toward instilling cave conservation in the feeble minds of the general public--paying tourons visiting their cave--far outweighs any minor stretching of the soda straw or compressing of the geologic sequence they may make in attracting those same tourons with a harmless bit of commercial cave hype.

We should be expressing our thanks for their educational effort, not lambasting their minor mensuration prevarications which attract the tourons and. coincidentally, expose them to their beneficial cave conservation educational efforts in the first place.

Git down,


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