Bahamas Sinkhole Yields Fossil Treasure  Trove
Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Dec. 3, 2007 -- Divers exploring a water-filled sinkhole in  the Bahama 
Islands recently recovered one of the world's largest and most  pristinely 
preserved collections of animal and plant _fossils_ 
(  from a tropical 
Like a time machine, the fossils reveal in stages what ecosystems were like  
on the island of Abaco from periods between 12,000 to 1,000 years ago. 
"Their ultra-high quality of preservation puts the fossils in a category all  
their own," David Steadman, who led the project and is curator of ornithology 
at  the _Florida Museum of Natural  History_ ( , 
told Discovery News. 
"The potential for future analysis involves physical as well as chemical  
analysis," he added before explaining that stable isotopes, or atomic 
can show what certain species ate, allowing scientists to reconstruct entire  
The "blue hole," called Sawmill Sink, is a water-filled void in limestone  
bedrock that's open at the surface. The water, depleted of oxygen, necessitated 
special diving equipment and methods. 
The divers wore "mixed gas rebreathers," closed-circuit devices that don't  
release exhaled air bubbles. This prevents bubbles from disturbing the site's  
unique water chemistry, while keeping the bubbles from whipping up clouds of  
bacterial mats, which could obscure visibility. 
The fossils included two extinct species of tortoise. One specimen had three  
sets of healed bite marks from a Cuban crocodile that's now locally extinct 
in  the Bahamas. 
A particularly large group of fossils came from a part of the site known as  
"the owl roost." 
"Owls cough up bony pellets and are extremely efficient accumulators of small 
 vertebrates," Steadman explained. 
Although no ancient owl was found at the roost, this part of the site yielded 
 one species of lizard, three types of snakes, 25 species of birds and four 
bat  species. Among the birds, one was a never before described extinct 
flightless  rail. Four other locally extinct birds -- the Cooper's Gundlach 's 
the  flicker, the cave swallow, and an eastern meadowlark -- were also 
recovered from  the roost.


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