I find it difficult to ask people to go out of their way for me, but here goes. 

As you may know, Charley is overseas and I am alone. I am very ill with the flu 
since yesterday. My temp is hovering about 101.5 with a fever reducer. I have 
your typical body aches, a sore throat, and minor sniffles. I'm not very good 
at this sick stuff.

I am oh so very out of the way - 30 miles SE of Austin. If anyone is able to 
come out and visit me for the next few days, please write and let me know if 
you can come AM or PM. I need some help getting food cooked for eating, making 
sure I've taken my remedies and am drinking water, and keeping the house from 
exploding into chaos, and to just make sure I'm okay. I'm very listless, and 
busy feeling like crap, so I'm having a hard time doing these things myself. If 
I don't get better in a few days, or my temperature becomes uncontrollable, my 
midwife has requested I take myself to the emergency room, and I'm not in much 
shape for driving. Not to alarm you, but to suggest that might be on the list 
of duties. It would be a calm trip, and probably won't happen, but I'll feel 
better knowing the option exists each day. Simple human contact would be very 
nice, although I promise it doesn't have to be very close contact. I'm not 
sleeping much, so any time of day
 is fine. Please don't expect me to be a very charming hostest. Just feed me 
and pat me on the head and call me a 'poor dear'. 

Please only offer to help if this causes you no hardship and you are able and 
willing. Those who are just brave or have had flu vaccination, and those 
without immunity challenges already and without children at home or other 
tender folks that you might expose, are ideal. I promise we will be careful 
about your health and I won't be offended if you use a 10-ft pole and wash your 
hands constantly. I may also request a few simple items from the store, if 
you're coming out, so knowing when you're coming and how to reach you would 
also be great. You will have my deepest gratitude. 

Please do write if you can come, or call me (only call me if you can come, 
please, not just to talk, for my throat is quite sore, although I definately 
appreciate the sentiment) 512-422-2788 so that I can organize it a little so I 
don't end up throwing a party or wasting someone's time. I can also send you 
excellent directions. I promise to reward you somehow once I'm able to move 
again! I like baking cookings and helping in return and such.

If you simply write to offer sympathy, but can't come out, you also have my 
gratitude, but please understand I won't be able to respond for the timebeing 
because writting this just about wiped me out. 

now i feel weird!
back to bed,
Kara Savvas

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