Its been on the Discovery channel several times.  Cave digger is a rotary rasp 
that cuts through hard clay like butter.  More tunnel creation than cave.
Cave Biologist is Jim Kennedy and Mike Rowe trudging through Guano wearing 
ammonia absorbant masks it Bracken.
I think it was filmed in the summer of '04 or '06.
High point is Jim wrapping his arm around Mike, pulling him out of the deep 
guano he's managed to get mired in.  Lifesaving Crash.
Also filmed outside of the cave - Jim gets in a few clever comments.  He had a 
little pony tail back then.  It's entertaining enough - but don't miss church 
to see it.

On Jan 16, 2008 7:25 AM,  <> wrote: 

I got this from TagNet

WOW! Dirty Jobs Latest
      By: Don Hunter  (Colbert, Georgia) 

I just checked the Discovery Channel's schedule for next week and, lo
and behold, some great news. They apparently took the footage from the
recent shoot and made not one but two episodes, to be aired back to 
back, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm on January 22 (next Tuesday night). The
first episode is titled "Cave Digger" and the second is titled "Cave
Biologist". I am assuming that the footage for both is from the Kentucky 
trip that Mudpuppy was on. I haven't heard of any other caving that was
shot for the show. This is shaping up to be a real treat. Everybody set
your Tivo's and PVRs.

and as a follow-up:

Re: Tag-Net Digest #4835 
      By: David Engelberger  (Seymour, Tennessee)

This is from a "Dirty Jobs" fan. The cave digger episode at 9:00 is
about wine makers cutting into the mountains of California to store
their wine. I am looking forward to seeing the Kentucky cave show 
at 10:00 !!!


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