To all and any of you who have subscribed, willingly - to recieve off topic,
tangental and near-cave and caver related "spam" I salute you.
Here is a place where people have no authority to tell me what I can or
cannot say. (as long as I say it politely)
This is what freedom of speech is really about.  In a caver-supported
environment, a free exchange of ideas.
Brilliant.  If it isnt even about caves or caving - it's alright.  I really
have to appreciate Charles Goldsmith for going above and beyond.
And as long as I'm talking about free exchange.

I even have a possible theory of support for "creationists" - but people who
adhere to the bible will not like it.
It's not about aliens.  It's not about the bible.  The sun might be the
intellegent "being" that planned it all.
Hmmm... Imagine a huge, magnetically active entity.....


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