Argue asteroid vs volcano if you will, but everyone who reads the
Bible knows that it was Noah's Flood that wiped out the dinosaurs!
My Niece - a college educated Aggie - told me so!

On Nov 2, 2007 8:43 AM, Minton, Mark <> wrote:
> >Ancient Bat Flew Without Echolocation
>       While looking up that story, I found another one of potential interest
> to cavers.  Seems there's a vulcanism theory competing with meteor impact
> for the extinction of the dinosaurs:
> <>
> Mark Minton
> Gas may be to blame for extinction
> Contrarian theory argues against meteorite killing dinosaurs.
> A worldwide burp of volcanic gases caused the mass extinction that wiped out
> dinosaurs and other creatures 65 million years ago, says research reported
> this week. It's the latest argument from a group that has been trying for
> some time to discredit the leading theory — that a meteorite striking Mexico
> led to the mass die-offs.
> (More)

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