That photo in the previous post shows a scenic cave.   I would
love to go to Chiapas someday.

Has anyone ever kayaked thru

the 2 big river caves near Taxco:    Chonta and San Jeronimo.

I seem to recall someone floating them in inner tubes.

I haven't been thru San Jeronimo and have only visited
Chonta from the skylight to the resurgance.     That was one
of the funnest caving trips I ever went on.     There were many
Texas cavers there that day and there is a video of the trip.
I have never seen the video.     I heard rumors that it was
shown at a UT Grotto meeting about 10 years ago?

I have been rafting in a cave near a village called Comalapa,
just south of Zongolica in Veracruz.     That was fun, but it
was not a thru trip nor were there any rapids in the cave, but
plenty downstream.

I don't seem to recall ever going canoeing in a cave.    I missed a chance
at the recent Indiana NSS Convention.   But I do
remember seeing a Harry Walker slide show ( from the 70's ), where they canoed
the Rio Tamuin thru the Sierra Madres and they briefly passed under a limestone
bridge that covered the river just east of Ciudad Valles, I think?

One of the fun things to do in river caves is body-surfing ( if that
is the right terminology ).     That is were you just ride the rapids
in the cave with no inner tube.     Of course, you have to have
already checked downstream to confirm it is safe.     I have been
body-surfing in a river cave by accident and that wasn't much fun,
especially when you are underwater and can't seem to find the surface.

David Locklear

( This e-mail was sent from my new job.     Can an IT department
monitor G-mail? )

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