I thought the same of these photos, and more of the broader view, third image.? 
Maybe someone here can respond to my TAG-NET comments on the photos.


<<Thanks to Frank Bogle for posting these enhanced pictures.?I'm especially 
intrigued by the last (and largest scale) image showing both pits and the 
surrounding region.?It appears that the larger (leftmost) pit is at the apex of 
a fan-shaped depression extending to the right and out of the field of view of 
the photo.?This is curious in itself.

Equally interesting, and maybe related, is the alignment between the two open 
pits and four amorphous depressions that form a line arcing upward and to the 
right within the larger fan-shaped depression.?The four amorphous depressions 
are relatively ill-defined in that they lack the sharper walls of meteor 
craters and they are asymmetrically shaped.?They look to me like they might be 
dust-mantled collapse features. Could they? represent collapses along a lava 
tube segment or at least somehow be related to the dramatic, open pits? Any 
vulcanologists out there to enlighten (= shoot down) my speculations?

Roger Moore
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