Latest reports indicate that the drill hole might have missed the miners.

David Locklear <> wrote:  The news claims that rescuers 
have drilled into the mine
near where the miners were thought to be and placed a microphone.

I have been in cave passages where I could not hear a person who
was in the cave, because they were around a few bends in the passage. So
just because there is no sound, doesn't mean there is no hope.

Also, they may be asleep, or resting to conserve energy, or maybe
they are exhausted from trying to escape on their own, or from lack
of food and water. Maybe they are out of light and can't find
their way to the microphone. Or maybe they are dillusional and
don't understand what the hole is for. Or maybe they are too
injured to move towards the microphone.

The other thing I wonder is how straight did they drill to hit the chamber.
Don't drill wander off quite a bit, especially over 1,000 feet?

Since they don't have a radio location device in the mine, I don't see
how the rescuers can claim any accuracy of hitting the chamber.

Am I missing something?

I hope the miners are found alive and well. But I can't stop thinking about
the movie, "The Cave," where the miners were trapped for so long
that they became troglobitic.

David Locklear

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