Once again, here on TexasCaver as on TAGnet, my mere mention of religion  has 
made me an object of religious persecution! (Though in a nice mild Christian  
sort of way) That the aforementioned incident with the missionaries did occur 
is  apparently beside the point, for there are apparently some subjects that 
are  taboo even among cavers. So here is some meat for the stewpot:
I have met missionaries in the jungle on a number of occasions. In each and  
every case I have done what I could to hasten them on to either Hell or the  
stewpot as the case may be. These have included giggling lily white schoolgirls 
 for Jesus in Belize, the somber Priests in Miasal Ecuador, but worst of all 
were  the whackos I met on the north coast of Panama who were busy perverting 
the  Guaymi Indians. 
The Guaymi are extremely hostile to outsiders, believe in a religion called  
Mama Chi in which Mama Chi and Jesus will soon arrive on a Kawasaki from outer 
 space to begin the Apocalypse. They assumed that I was a missionary, so 
aside  from telling me to go away they would say “Breadface, go east to your 
people on  Pine Hill”, so I did. To my amazement there in the middle of nowhere 
were three  tiny dead pine trees on a hill along with a cross. As I walked up 
they were busy  teaching their captive audience (you want medicine?) all about 
Adam and Eve, and  Jonah and the Whale. I asked what sect they belonged to, but 
they said they were  not a sect but rather “Bible Believers” The glassy eyed 
pasty faced redneck  missionaries were led by a charismatic megalomaniac who 
controlled their every  thought. Kind of like Hale Boppers waiting for the 
comet. When I asked why they  were teaching the poor Indian such nonsense he 
became irate and insisted that  they needed to be saved. When I mentioned the 
that virtually everyone in  Panama, including Indians, are already Catholic he 
explained that Catholics were  devil worshipers who would all burn in Hell. 
There wasn’t much point in  discussing theology with him, so we returned to the 
village where we had a  dinner date with the leading Hispanic resident with 
whom we had a bizarre and  extremely life threatening adventure the previous 
day involving my girlfriend's  pants, a wad of cash, a tiny dugout canoe, and a 
huge storm at sea. We were  celebrating our survival. He and his wife were 
quite modern and educated, he  even had cold beer, hence his prominence! He 
about the Whackos on the  Hill, so I told him how neither he nor his wife 
were Christians according to  them. He was not at all pleased, narrowed his 
and I could tell that their  tenure on Pine Hill would soon be coming to an 
end. Mission accomplished! 
So if you are Guaymi your choices are either Mama Chi or the Whackos. None  
of the Above is only available to persons such as myself.
Ditto in Borneo where the once magnificent Kayan Headhunters have been  
reduced to sniveling wretches by missionaries. Their eyes are glassy too, just  
like the Mission Shuar. In their case it was a choice between Allah or Jesus.  
Since they love pork and hate Muslims, but love the Brits, Jesus was the easy  
choice. Now they don't dance, sing, play music, drink arak, explore, hunt, chop 
 heads, carve sculptures, or anything else. They just grow rice, sit there  
solemnly, and pray. Their culture has been destroyed.
What all these Whackos, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and New Age  
alike all have in common is the unshakable belief that their particular set of  
superstitions is true and all others false. Many of them are good hearted  
people, but that doesn't change the fact that their belief system is toxic.  
Regardless of the denomination such beliefs are memes which spread like a  
In doing so they eradicate cultural diversity, common sense, and  science 
wherever they go. 
Much is made of religious tolerance, but enough is enough, my cup of  
compassion for the addlepated adherents runneth dry. Even the most cursory  
review of 
history will show that Belief in an imaginary Old Man in the Sky has  caused 
more mayhem and misery than all other causes combined. 
It’s time to wake up, and to stop practicing “prior restraint” since the  
believers will not; so toward that end I flatly refuse to show any undue 
 for the beliefs of those who suppose that the earth is a few thousand years 
old,  who believe virgins are waiting for them in heaven, or that god has so 
many arms  she can scratch her butt, pick her nose, and shoo flies from in 
front of her  eyes all at the same time! I will agree with one thing however, 
Mayans  believe that Hell is cold. As a caver I completely agree!

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