Deep, kinda like some caves I've been in. That was some good chewing gum for my brain.

To: <>
Subject: [Texascavers] imaginary overalls
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 00:25:40 +0000

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Jan Campbell" <>
>  Only if you imagine there IS no heaven.  But if there is, isn't it an
> objective reality, rather than a subjective one?

We now come to the philosophical portion of our program:

Imagining that there is no Heaven would pretty much be equal to imagining that
there is. They are both active pursuits--something that one has to make an
active effort to realize. On the other hand, there is a passive condition that is necessary to the understanding of the mechanism of belief systems to begin with. To actively imagine that there is no Heaven requires an active back formation from an active imagination that there is a Heaven. To wit:

Way back in the development of humanity there was a time before any concepts of
the supernatural, of gods, of heaven had been imagined. There was no belief
system--in Heaven or anything else; we hadn't learned to do it yet. This lack of belief was totally passive--no one had to take any action in order to not believe in Heaven, or to not imagine it or anything else. Only after someone had imagined that there was a Heaven and popularized it into the imagination of other people--be they merely family members or entire societies--would anyone be required to actively imagine that a heaven did not exist. The purity of an uncorrupted imagination had been polluted by the otherwise unsupported belief system of overly active minds. And that, essentially, is the problem with the concept of atheism--it is a back formation of a belief system that something is real which the atheists never bought into in the first place. In their natural state they are not "non-believers"; they were there first, before there were believers. So they have been named and put
into a defensive position by the mass neurosis of a socially driven belief
system that they are otherwise not an active part of.

But even if there is a Heaven, it is highly likely that it makes no difference at all if one believes in it or not, since there is no proof or evidence that anyone's concept of what Heaven--physically or spiritually--consists of, or that their belief or lack of belief in it makes any difference--now or ever. It is all subject to to the vagaries of one's own imagination based upon a mother's stories, picture books, personal tastes, and other incidental visions. In that case it's subjective. But one's images of a heaven based on personal greed--say like eternal life & happiness (a mighty convoluted concept in it's own right)--makes for a very objective heaven. Doesn't it? ...the object of one's desires. I think it is no accident that in Spanish the word which means "to wish" also means "to wait."

Striving to be as open minded as possible I would never insist that the
existance of an actual physical/spiritual Heaven is completely beyond the realm of possibility. Remember that my earlier statement "the Universe is stranger than we can imagine" leaves room for such all things beyond that of the imagination. But at the same time I would be willing to wager that the odds of such a thing would be a good bit worse than the odds of, say, winning the lottery--three or four times in a row. All in all, it makes no difference what one believes because that is all it is, just a belief--it is a concept of the imagination without any basis
of further solidity: physical, spiritual, magical, or any other type of
hocus-pocus one may further conceive or pretend to be true. Though things may be
absolutely real in the imagination, that is the limit of their reality. The
proof of that is that if something is physically real, then their is no need to believe in it--in fact, to say one believed in something one can touch is not belief but physical reality.


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