DirtDoc said: 

>we managed to jack up the truck and wedge a big yucca stem into the suspension 
>to act as some sort of a spring  or at least a cushon.

      I know a caver who broke some sort of essential front suspension part and 
used his winch to gather up the broken parts with the cable and put them under 
enough tension to keep the vehicle operational.  I've always remembered that 
trick, although never had to use it myself, fortunately.

      On a trip up the Sierra de Guatemala (Hoya de Salas, etc.) with Bill 
Stone in the late '70s we had a front locking hub break on his old Bozo Bus 4WD 
Ford truck.  We stopped of necessity on the spot, disassembled the hub and 
rebuilt it.  To hold it all together we used an empty Sweet Sue boned chicken 
can held on with wire.  It worked, and we continued up the mountain, did the 
cave, and returned without further incident.  Ever since we have joked about 
the Sweet Sue hub.

Mark Minton

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