
I sent your notice to the TX caving community somebody,
I'm not sure who, seems to have identified the spot
as Spirit Eye Cave in Presidio, County, Texas.

Hope that helps.

Mike Flannigan


"The photos are of Spirit Eye Cave located near the western edge of the
Chinati Mountains in Presidio, County,
Texas. A big cave site that once had extensive and deep cultural
deposits--but it has been virtually destroyed by
pothunters through the years. The historic house with green windows is
located at Carrizo Spring, about 1/2 mile up
the canyon from the cave. Both sites are on private property."

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, wrote:
>        RE: [Texascavers] FW: whozit? wherezit? help needed identifying
site & looters
>   Date:
>        Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:28:44 -0500
>   From:
>        "Ron Ralph" <>
>     To:
>        "'Charles Goldsmith'" <>
>    CC:
>        "'texas cavers'" <>
>I have no idea on the butterfly. I did see this from an archeologist in
the Big Bend.
>That's what I thought, too ... Chinatis somewhere in Presidio County
... but I wasn't about to put my thumb on the scale
>when much more knowledgable folks who've covered many more square miles
of the Chinatis than me (e.g., like Bob
>Mallouf and Andy Cloud) are listening. Bob recognized the site
rightaway, and says:
>"The photos are of Spirit Eye Cave located near the western edge of the
Chinati Mountains in Presidio, County,
>Texas. A big cave site that once had extensive and deep cultural
deposits--but it has been virtually destroyed by
>pothunters through the years. The historic house with green windows is
located at Carrizo Spring, about 1/2 mile up
>the canyon from the cave. Both sites are on private property."
>Bob Skiles


Subject:         help needed identifying looted (SW USA) borderlands
   Date:         Fri, 20 Apr 2007 21:01:25 -0600
   From:         Mike Flannigan <>
     To:         MOCAVES <>, Cavetex


Subject: Re: help needed identifying looted (SW USA) borderlands site
   Date:  Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:12:57 -0500
   From: Bob Skiles <>

a couple of people have reported that the links were broken in my
earlier cut-and-paste post ... they've been rebuilt [below]
and hopefully all will work now

distributed via Oklahoma BLM office -

BLM Special Agent Dan Barnes is the lead on this case; his address/
phone is provided below. Please contact him
directly if you recognize persons, places, or things in the photos.
Please distribute far and wide to your state contacts,
contractors, etc.

I am hoping someone can help me identify a location. The photos were
found during a search warrant in Colorado
[see links below]. They appear to have show individuals looting an
archeological site. I am working with agents in
other states trying to figure out where this is. It could be on BLM,
USFS, or other lands. If anyone has a clue where
this could be, please contact me.

Dan Barnes
Special Agent
BLM, St. George Field Office

Comment of Sarah Schlanger (acting Utah state archaeologist): "Just an
educated guess, but the photos look to me like
they are from Chihuahuan desert, perhaps from around the Guadalupe
Mountains in southern New Mexico or the Big
Bend area of Texas.  Somewhere on the borderlands, at any rate, down
where we've got lots of limestone, caverns,
and mountains.  The rock house, with its striking green windows, should
be recognizable to someone."

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