

I went by yesterday and pulled the name off the sign on the property and
will give them a call.  See if they are interested in working something




-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt L. Menking [mailto:gi...@bcad.org] 
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 10:04 AM
To: texascavers
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] more on S.A. cave rescue


Darn Kids,


Now the owners will have to fix the gate.  It's been possible to bypass
it for years.

It is very Robber Barron-ish.  It's an Austin Chalk cave with many
interconnecting passages.

I can't even imagine dragging 1500 feet of rope around in that cave.  A
little overkill I think.

If we could ever get permission and finish the survey started many years
ago it could well be 

the longest cave in Bexar County.  I sent letters in years past to try
to convince them TCMA 

should own or manage the cave, but they never replied.  Now might be a
good time to contact 

them again.




From: Marvin & Lisa [mailto:mlmil...@gvtc.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 11:06 PM
To: texascavers
Subject: [Texascavers] more on S.A. cave rescue


Regarding the rescue of three youths from Labyrinth Cave in San Antonio,
see also



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