We want you back!
The long-promised and even longer delayed back issue of the June 2005
edition "The TEXAS CAVER" has been mailed out this past weekend.
If you were a TSA member in 2005 and feel that you should have received
a copy, but, haven't by this time next week, please contact me and I'll
get you a copy. 

If you have been patient enough to stick with the TSA through a couple
of lean years when there was very few or no newsletters to enjoy, we
thank you for your continued membership and patronage.

 If you, understandably, allowed your membership to lapse because of the
sporadic publication schedule, we hope you will give the TSA another
chance and renew your membership.

The TEXAS CAVER is now being published on a regular quarterly schedule
and still continues to be the voice of caving in Texas. 

We now have advertisers and each issue is full of pictures and articles
chronicling the many cave adventures and other TSA activities throughout
the state and region and each will beckon you to join them on the next


Membership is still only $20 and you can either join by mail, online at
www.cavetexas.org, or at 

the TSA Convention in Albert, TX the weekend of April 13th thru the


The 2007 TSA officers, John Brooks-Chairman, Jacqui Bills-Thomas-Vice
Chair, Michael Cicherski-Treasurer, and me, Mark Alman-Secretary and
Editor, are doing our part to reinvigorate the TSA and bring the world
of caving to a whole new generation and we'd like to take you along.

Please consider joining us on this brave, new trip. 

Join the TSA all over again!

Please go to http://www.cavetexas.org/ to renew your membership and to
read more about the Convention this weekend. Hope to see you there!




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