
I just copied you on a message from Kara and my response.
Can you take on coordinating the TSA store for TCR ?
I understand that Denise, from Austin, has also expressed an interest in
working with the store.....but she will not be at TCR. But at some point, we
should all discuss how the store proceeds in the future...and whom does
what...or what everyone wants to do......
So if  you are willing to do TCR that would be a big help. I might offer a
suggestion...that you recruit a few cavers to cover several store shifts for that you have the opportunity to enjoy TCR and don't have to spend
all of your time with the store. See if you can get David Locklear to help
sell T Shirts for a few hours! Or ask Darla Bishop to help!
I have committed to help the cooks for awhile...and need to help with TSA
dues renewals...which we might do out of the store maybe we can
coordinate the TSA dues stuff with the store stuff. I am trying to convince
Mark Alman to coordinate the dues renewal he might have an
opinion on how we do this.

John Brooks
TSA Chairman

On 8/30/06 10:35 AM, "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" <>

> John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand.
> I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way she
> won't have a choice :)
> Charles
> Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
>> Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a
>> blurb here for a worthy candidate:
>> *__* 
>> _*Store Keeper*_
>> *Description:  Someone who will take care of the TSA store items
>> including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come
>> available.  The responsibilities will include storing the inventory,
>> hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items once
>> there..  The position will involve handling money received from sales
>> and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is complete.
>> Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping
>> orders from the online store as they come in.*
>> *Requirements:  The applicant must be honest, responsible and egoless to
>> hold this thankless position.  The applicant will be expected to pass on
>> family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to have the
>> store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*
>> *Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store
>> correspondence.  Being able to say you did a good thing when the
>> convention is over.  Get your picture and contact information listed on
>> the Officers/Contacts page.*
>> With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.
>> Contact John Brooks at
>> <> or
>> <>, if interested.
>> Later,
>> Mark Alman

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