You're good to go, Charles.
  Look for the TC soon and thanks for taking over the TexasCavers Email list!
  Mark Alman wrote:
  Mark, I'm new to the TSA (only joined in July of 2005), and when I signed
up, I assumed it was good for 1 year from the date of signup. I've since
learned that most grotto's and other affliates of the NSS work on a
calendar year setup, starting each year off in January. I didn't see
anything on the website clarifying this and I haven't seen anything until
this email about dues.

Do I need to renew now or in July?


> Well,
> if you can't remember, that's TOO long and it's about time you went to
> the online link to do so!
> If you are wondering if you're on the "Paid Member" mailing list, pls
> contact me offline and I'll let you know.
> If you're not a paid member with all honors and benefits, you can
> register online at:
> After a long absence and past fitful starts and stops, the new and
> improved and REGULARLY mailed "Texas Caver" has gone to the print shop
> and should be mailed out next week.
> If you have allowed your membership to expire, as our records show only
> ~150 paid members out of a TSA database showing 900 past/current
> members, you probably won't be receiving this issue.
> But, if you join before midnight tomorrow (this is a joke!), we will be
> sure that you receive the 2006 second quarter issue.
> Just in time for the Convention!
> So, get on the ball and join! Drag your mouse (and any prior members you
> may know) to the TSA website and get "re-membered".
> You won't regret it!
> Thanks!
> Mark Alman
> Editor - "The Texas Caver"
> ---------------------------------
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