Bill, I know that he listed that email as it going out to the mailing list, but it did not hit the list, it's not in the archives and I didn't get it to either of my accounts. It could be that fluke that I'm still chasing, but I don't see how it got out to the list and not get posted to the archives. A search of the unix file system with grep didn't show him posting anything to the list.

I'm glad the email didn't get to the list, it wasn't appropriate and I was about to slam him for it in a private email, until I couldn't find it in my texascavers folder, except for this one that you cc'd me on (I'm guessing it was a bcc).

Thanks for the heads up, but let me know what you think about the email

Bill Bentley wrote:
Merry Christmas to YOU too...

Why did you put your reply to the whole list?
What did it have to do with being cave related?
I know 90% of the people on the list so that is why and Geez there is a lot
of NON related stuff on here.
So MR. Preston Knodell III I really don't care that you don't care!

Former keep of the mailing list!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Preston Knodell III" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Job Status....


What is this non cave related whining doing here? I don't care about your
Or if you lose it. Happens every day. Grow up. PK3

From: "Bill Bentley" <>
To: "A Texas Caving Remailer for Texas Cavers"
CC: <>,"New Mexico E-Mailing List" <>
Subject: [Texascavers] Job Status....
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:29:15 -0600

           As most of you all know the company I work for is in the
of being sold, which is scheduled for completion next month. For the last
month and a half  I have been stressed out with the possibility of losing
job. 3-7-06 was D-Day so to speak. You always hear about it happening to
other guy and it never happens to you. Well yesterday 45 people within the
West Texas Region were given their severance packages along with over a
hundred or so in the Cox Mid America region. Most were in management, but
few were in positions that were duplicated and being eliminated. I managed
to make the cut and am still employed. Much to my relief!
       I appreciate everyone's thoughts and kind words. After having
at the same place for the last 25 years I did not relish the idea of job
hunting and or possibly relocating...


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