How tall?
At the cabin or the cave?

On Wednesday, August 10, 2005, at 02:03  PM, Linda Palit wrote:


I was thinking about the fall and winter, and thinking about Punkin’ and Deep Cave Preserve.

I’d like to have a viewing platform out there, sort of an elaborate raised platform that could be used for, say, teaching or checking out people’s vertical skills before they go the cave. I know some grottos are going to use the winter months to visit Punkin for vertical training, and I have at least one group I’m taking out that may need some additional training.


So my question is, any ideas for an easy and not too expensive way to make this happen? Geary is the property manager, and must approve anything we come up with, but right now I am looking for ideas.




It's no good unless it makes your eyes water.

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