I am a little leery of the part that says 'use your own members' !!!

>From: "Linda Palit" <lkpa...@sbcglobal.net>
>To: "'Godot Martel'" <godot_mar...@sbcglobal.net>, <cave...@cavetex.net>
>Subject: RE: CaveTex: CHILI COOK-OFF
>Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 10:23:28 -0500
>Yum, yum.
>Hold me back.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-cave...@cavetex.net [mailto:owner-cave...@cavetex.net] On
>Behalf Of Godot Martel
>Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 8:29 AM
>To: felicia vreeland; CaveTex
>Subject: Re: CaveTex: CHILI COOK-OFF
>Maybe Andy will make his famous "Kitty Kat Chili"....
>felicia vreeland <feli...@vginc.net> wrote:
>The indistinguishable WE agree that is is a good idea to offer a Chili
>cooking contest between the Grottos. The rules are simple
>Use your own pots
>Use your own recipes
>Use your own ingredients
>Use your own members
>You only need about 4 qts for the tasting......
>You may use the cooks area, fires, coals and beer. The cooks have excess
>spices if need be but do not ASSUME!
>There will be 1st, a 2nd and a runner up. The winning recipe may
>seriously be considered for the menu the following year.
>The deadline to apply is September 5th. (if not enough interest is
>raised we'll call it off)
>The cost to apply is one foot massage on Sunday a.m. for Felicia
>Felicia Vreeland
>Vreeland Graphics Inc.
>512-389-1709 phone
>512-389-1730 fax
>512-656-4709 cell
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