Can't you just feel the love ? Lets all go eat some chili.

felicia vreeland <> wrote:David, I know in the past I have 
been guilty of teasing you but Damn if 
you didn't just report on something even I could use!!! I think you need 
to start the caver related shopping network.

Preston Knodell III wrote:

> I still like the old Kerr glass jars personally. Gives me that old 
> timey feel. PK3
> From: "David Locklear" 
> Reply-To: "David Locklear" 
> To: 
> Subject: CaveTex: Road-trip tip
> Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 20:07:43 -0500
> This post concerns an idea for food storage on road trips.
> Recently on a long drive to and from TAG, I pondered the
> idea of a better way to pack and transport food for trips.
> The problem is, I have too many canned goods and not
> enough variety of real food. I wanted to travel lighter
> and more efficently, yet pack a higher level of cuisine.
> I found the following item at Walmart in the section where
> they sell glass jars for food storage:
> What is so cool about these little jars is that they have a screw
> lid with a air-tight seal ( compared to similar products with
> just a pop-top lid ). The jars are a little bigger than Dixie
> cups, and are made of a plastic similar to other tupperware
> products.
> In my opinion, this is much better than a Nalgene bottle for
> packing food, and they are very inexpensive.
> What you can do with these jars is cook and prepare your
> favorite foods in the nights following your road-trip and keep
> them all in the refrigerator in a large plastic box. Then when
> it is time to leave, you just put the box the car and take off.
> These jars are much better than zip-lock bags for things like
> grapes, cookies, and other things that get squished easily.
> What I plan to do with these jars, is fill an ice-chest full of
> them and have a smorgasbord of my favorite dishes - kind
> of like a micro-buffet.
> I will probably throw in some chili just in case some of you
> show up.
> David Locklear
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