I'm traveling to  La Gruta del Palmito near Bustamante on Saturday for my first 
trip ever driving accross the border and I just found a problem with my title 
and I wanted to see if anyone has experience with this.  
I have an Original Title in my name as owner, there is one lien holder and the 
lien holder realeased the lien in 2002 by signing the release of lien and 
dating it on the face of the title where it says release of lien. There isn't 
space or requirement for a notary so it's just the banks signature and date in 
the release of lien area.
I do not have time to get a new title form the state of texas without the 
leineholder on it, nor to get anything notorized from the bank (which I don't 
think even exists anymore) before Saturday. 
I planned on traveling through the Columbia crossing.  Is it likely I can 
actually make it through or am I wasting my time trying? 
-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Sevcik <edsev...@ischool.utexas.edu>
To: cave...@cavetex.net
Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:02:06 -0500
Subject: CaveTex: Labor Day Deep and Punkin Trip - need ride from Austin

Though Geary kindly listed the names of people who are going, I don't know 
where many of you live so I am asking if anyone can provide me a ride from (and 
back to) Austin.  I am pretty flexible on leaving time. I live on West 6th St 
near Mopac.  Anyone who wants someone to help pay for fuel, contact me off the 


At 09:42 PM 8/30/2005, you wrote:


This coming weekend is the Labor Day weekend and is an excellent opportunity to 
visit the newest acquisition of the Texas Cave Management Association ? The 
Deep and Punkin Nature Preserve. We are having a work trip/trip leader training 
trip starting on Friday, September 2 through Monday, September 5. We have had a 
number of folks sign up for the weekend but still have openings. If you?re 
interesting in seeing the property as well as Deep Cave, this would be an ideal 
weekend. You may also visit Punkin Cave for the bat flight but entrance to the 
cave will likely be restricted until sometime in November after the bats have 

We will be performing work around the property as well as arranging caving 
trips. Main requirements this weekend is to have fun, work a little, and enjoy 
the weekend. You?re welcome to stay one or more nights. Also, the property is 
close to Devils River State National Area, Del Rio, and Seminole Canyon, and 
Lake Amistad National Recreation Area. 

We will conduct trip leader training trips as well site seeing trips into Deep 
Cave. If there is interest, we can also lead some photography trips into the 

We will do some general work on the property including cutting of brush, 
hauling stuff and some painting. If you have room for tools, we can us loppers, 
shovels, 5-gallon plastic buckets to haul rock, garden rakes, chain saws and 
bow saws, etc. 

Please bring all of the food and water that you think you will need for the 
weekend. There is a small stove and refrigerator at the site but you may want 
to bring a portable stove as 20+ people trying to cook on one stove top may be 
a bit much. Also, please bring chairs, tents, and sleeping pads. We will try 
and cook some more Dutch Oven desserts around the fire in the evenings.  For 
everyone coming up.  Also, there is a grill but you may need to bring charcoal. 
Please do not bring any wood to the site. The NRCS representative recommended 
against bringing any wood or plants onto the site to minimize the spread of 
fire ants and oak wilt.

Bunk space.  I am asking that two or three bunk spaces be reserved on the 
bottom bunks for foks that either need breathing machines or joint pains.  Let 
me know if you have any special needs and we'll try to make accomidations.  If 
you're driving, remember to watch the speed limit on 377.

Dogs and children are welcome as long as they are well behaved.

We have a nice group of folks going this weekend and I think everyone will have 
a great time.

If you have any questions about this weekend, please feel free to contact me at 
home at 210-479-2151 or work at 210-222-2204. 

If you reply to this email, make sure that you leave Deep and Punkin in the 
heading or you may get spam blocked.

Let me know if you need directions.  Also, don't forget your cave gear.  I'll 
be arriving some time before 9 pm.  If you are there early, make yourself at 

Thanks and hope you can make it. 

Geary Schindel


Some folks that were interested in car pooling asked that I list the names of 
folks coming this weekend.

Mark Alman

Son Alman

Graham Schindel

Aspen Schindel

Sue Schindel

Geary Schindel

Logan McNatt

Susan Chelf

Falicia Vereland

Erin Vereland

Rick Corbel

Erin Corbel

Bob Cowell?

Carl Ponobcheck?

Michelle Bryant

Paul Bryant

Steve Bryant

Walter Feister

Cindy Ditullio

Steve DiTullio

Don Auburn

Jennie Auburn

Eric Holman

Malissa Holman

Brian Holman

Evan Holman

Linda Palit?

Joe Ranzau


Edward Sevcik
University of Texas School of Information
Austin, Texas 

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