The Bexar Grotto will host the annual Fish Fry on Friday evening at TCR.
We will begin serving around dinner:30, we will let the folks at
registration know what time we will begin serving so check with them or
come by the grotto campsite.

It will be the usual feast of Fried Fish with all the fixins, french
fries, fried okra, coleslaw and more...

Everyone is invited to join us, please bring a generous offering for the
donation cup and a smile for the cooks!

As with most all food activities at TCR please bring your own plates,
bowls, or buckets, eating utensils or shovel, liquid refreshment holder
and anything else you find necessary to help you eat.

If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Bob
Cowell at or my self (Joe) and I will forward your
message on to those in the know.


Bexar Grotto Fishermen err...  Cavers

Posted for Carl Ponebshek

Please repost to all Texas Grotto remailers, print in newsletters, and
forward to friends not on these lists.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Allan B. Cobb
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:20 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Texas Cavers Reunion

Greetings y'all,

Don't forget that the Texas Cavers Reunion is coming up on October
It will be at Flat Creek Ranch again so there will be plenty of space to

camp.  You can find a map at We have lots of fun
planned and plenty of good food.  We have the Terminal Syphons lined up
play on Saturday night so it should be a rockin' good time.

We still need volunteers to help work at registration so if you are 
interested, let me know.  We will also need some volunteers to help with

some brush clearing on Friday.  If you are coming out on Thursday or
Friday, bring along a weedeater if you have one.

See y'all there...


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