-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Kunath <carl.kun...@cox.net>
Sent: Nov 9, 2005 10:50 PM
To: TEXAS CAVERS <Texascavers@texascavers.com>
Subject: [Texascavers] The "Linares" mural

>A bit more than a year ago, this message was posted to CaveTex.  

>Yesterday, I drove through the incredible canyon west of Linares, Mexico 
>expecting to see the great mural carved into the limestone mountain.  In 
>October, 2002 most of the mural slide off the mountain onto the highway.  It 
>was created in 1962 by the Mexican artists Federico Cantu and Guillermo 
>Ceniceros.  One more old friend gone. If you have a really good photo of the 
>mural send it to mikewaus...@cs.com  I would like to make a large photo copy 
>for the park at the mural site.   Mike Walsh. 

>I never saw a response to that message but had no time to search for my 
>pictures until now.  It really was a remarkable piece of work and the setting 
>was utterly appropriate.  If you are interested in such things, you can take 
>at look at this picture from 1972 (James Reddell posing):

I wouldn't call it a "mural". It's more like a bas-relief.

Picky, picky..



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